**A warm welcome to libh2o** # Hello, and welcome to libh2o **NOTE**: This is very early work & may have a lot of mistakes. If you find any, please let me know at bert.hubert@powerdns.com or [@PowerDNS_Bert](https://twitter.com/PowerDNS_Bert). [H2O](https://h2o.examp1e.net/) is a powerful web server used and developed by Fastly. Its mission: > H2O is a new generation HTTP server that provides quicker response to > users with less CPU utilization when compared to older generation of web > servers. Designed from ground-up, the server takes full advantage of > HTTP/2 features including prioritized content serving and server push, > promising outstanding experience to the visitors of your web site. H2O as a web server is very impressive and is seeing more and more use. H2O is powered by `libh2o`, which contains all the web serving power of H2O itself. `libh2o` is also packaged separately for third party use. It is MIT licensed. I have used more web server frameworks than is reasonable. `libh2o` is by far the most impressive effort I have ever seen, possibly because as far as I know, it is the only web serving library that also powers a leading web serving project. The one downside of `libh2o` is that its documentation is currently very spread out. Parts live in the [`h2o.h`](https://github.com/h2o/h2o/blob/master/include/h2o.h) include file, other parts can be found in answers in the GitHub issue tracker, in [issues tagged with 'FAQ'](https://github.com/h2o/h2o/labels/FAQ). A great (if slightly outdated) introduction can also be found in [this presentation](https://www.slideshare.net/kazuho/h2o-20141103pptx). Here, I hope to provide an introduction to libh2o that is correct, if not necessarily complete. Over time, the goal is to maintain correctness while coverage increases. The H2O maintainers are [incredibly friendly and helpful](https://github.com/h2o/h2o/issues/1894). With this document I hope to help them along in improving (lib)h2o. If you want to help, this file can be edited on [GitHub](https://github.com/ahupowerdns/hello-libh2o). # Basics H2O comes with a full & leading implementation of HTTP/2. It strives to make HTTP/2 as fast as possible, to the point it can be a universal method of performing calls and transferring data. Within H2O, HTTP requests are 'events' within connections. Events end up with a `handler`, and `handler`s use `generator`s to send content. Of specific note, unlike most libraries, `libh2o` can be used fully asynchronously. This means that your code can receive an HTTP request & go chew on it. Meanwhile, other HTTP requests come in and also get served. Once your code is done with the earlier HTTP request, it can send out the response. This is specifically relevant since HTTP/2 is fundamentally asynchronous too: many requests may come in at the same time over a single connection. These all need to get serviced in parallel, and not sequentially. # HTTP/2 notes By default `libh2o` is protocol agnostic. Your code does not need to know if it is dealing with HTTP/1 or HTTP/2, and out of the box both are available. The behaviour of how HTTP/1 sessions might be upgraded to HTTP/2 and the interaction with TLS/SSL can of course be tweaked. Specific HTTP/2 features such as server push are of course only available on HTTP/2 connections. # Data types & storage `libh2o` is written in C. This makes the library very accessible, but also means that H2O has to create some data structures from scratch. Here are a few types you will encounter a lot: * `H2O_STRLIT`: `h2o` passes strings around as a pointer and a length. This saves on repetitive `strlen()` calls and also makes it possible to pass arbitrary binary data. To pass a "classical C string", `H2O_STRLIT("GET")` is used, which then expands to: `"GET", strlen("GET")`. * Strings are then compared using `h2o_memis` which accepts two pointer/length pairs. An example: `if(h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET")))` * `h2o_iovec_t`: a structure describing memory as above, a pointer and a length field. Created by calling `h2o_iovec_init(ptr, len)`. * `h2o_vector_t`: A vector (dynamic array) of items. Memory allocation is always difficult. To make it easier, `libh2o` offers us pools associated with HTTP requests and connections. Any data allocated to a pool will get released automatically when the pool gets disposed. # Hello, world The `libh2o` "Hello World" example server is longer than you may be used to. This is because h2o is a very powerful library and it needs to be generic enough to cover a lot of use cases. Some simpler libraries may allow you to be up and running in 12 lines but leave you hanging if you need to set a socket option. A basic `libh2o` web server takes around 80 lines to deliver a fully functional web server. What follows is a slightly reordered version of [simple.c](simple.c) which in turn is a slightly modified version of [simple.c](https://github.com/h2o/h2o/blob/master/examples/libh2o/simple.c) from the `h2o` examples directory. If you want to get going quickly, there is a Makefile. Simply [clone the repository](https://github.com/ahupowerdns/hello-libh2o/) and run a Make. First the basics: ``` static h2o_globalconf_t config; static h2o_context_t ctx; static h2o_accept_ctx_t accept_ctx; ``` These three contain global `h2o` configuration, a `context` for your web server plus an accept `context` for your listener thread. Note that the `static` is not accidental: **be sure to zero these structs before using them**! Then to get going: ``` h2o_config_init(&config); h2o_hostconf_t* hostconf = h2o_config_register_host(&config, h2o_iovec_init(H2O_STRLIT("default")), 65535); ``` This initializes the global config to default values and it registers a host called 'default'. Note that this accepts a `h2o_iovec_t` as described above. When registering the host we also pass a port, where 65535 means 'the default port for the protocol used', or in other words '80' or '443'. If only one host is registered, all of this is moot, since all queries, regardless of host name or port, then end up with the first host. When registering multiple host names, a single registration is enough when using standard ports (80, 443). If non-standard ports are used, you must register a name twice, once for each port (say, 8000, 4430). Next up we register a `path` for "/hello". We then create a handler for this path, and we add a function `helloHandler` to it: ``` h2o_pathconf_t *pathconf = h2o_config_register_path(hostconf, "/hello", 0); h2o_handler_t *handler = h2o_create_handler(pathconf, sizeof(*handler)); handler->on_req = handler; ``` Note that paths are checked in order. This means that if the "/" path is registered first, no subsequent paths are ever going to match. So register paths from most specific to most general. We then initialize the global `ctx` with the global `config`. ``` h2o_context_init(&ctx, h2o_evloop_create(), &config); accept_ctx.ctx = &ctx; accept_ctx.hosts = config.hosts; ``` Next up, listening and setting up the event loop: ``` struct sockaddr_in addr; int fd, reuseaddr_flag = 1; h2o_socket_t *sock; memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sin_family = AF_INET; addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(0x7f000001); addr.sin_port = htons(12345); if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1 || setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuseaddr_flag, sizeof(reuseaddr_flag)) != 0 || bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0 || listen(fd, SOMAXCONN) != 0) { return -1; } ``` This is the usual longwinded C way of creating a socket, in this case, one that listens on ``` sock = h2o_evloop_socket_create(ctx.loop, fd, H2O_SOCKET_FLAG_DONT_READ); h2o_socket_read_start(sock, on_accept); ``` This is the `h2o` specific bit, where we add the socket we created to the event loop, and tell `h2o` not to read from this socket but if it becomes readable to call our handler `on_accept`. This is what happens there: ``` static void on_accept(h2o_socket_t *listener, const char *err) { h2o_socket_t *sock; if (err != NULL) { return; } if ((sock = h2o_evloop_socket_accept(listener)) == NULL) return; h2o_accept(&accept_ctx, sock); } ``` This is effectively a filter that calls `accept(2)` on the listener socket (through h2o_evloop_socket_accept) and then tells `h2o` to accept this new socket as well. Once all this is setup we can enter the `h2o` event loop: ``` while (h2o_evloop_run(ctx.loop, INT32_MAX) == 0) ; ``` Here is the `helloHandler` function we hooked above: ``` static int helloHandler(h2o_handler_t* handler, h2o_req_t* req) { if (!h2o_memis(req->method.base, req->method.len, H2O_STRLIT("GET"))) return -1; req->res.status = 200; req->res.reason = "OK"; h2o_add_header(&req->pool, &req->res.headers, H2O_TOKEN_CONTENT_TYPE, NULL, H2O_STRLIT("text/plain")); h2o_send_inline(req, H2O_STRLIT("Hello, world\n")); return 0; } ``` Note that this uses `h2o_memis` to check it is getting a GET request, and if it isn't, the handler returns -1 to indicate it did not handle the request. We then set status, reason, content-type, and use the helper function `h2o_send_inline` to send a response. `h2o_send_inline` is a slower convenience function for sending chunks of memory to a client. Behind this function hide `generators` which are a more generic and faster way of sending data, without having to supply all data in one go. Finally, please note that `libh2o` is event driven. If our `helloHandler` sleeps for a second, nothing else will happen during that second! Please read on for how to deal with slow data sources. # Object lifetime, memory management As noted, memory management is hard. Within libh2o most management is automated for you. For example, when you get passed a request (`h2o_req_t`), it is not your responsibility to free it when you are done. And in fact, you can use a request to allocate data associated with that request, and this will be deallocated if for whatever reason the request is done or goes away. As an example, to allocate an stdio FILE pointer: ``` FILE** fpptr = h2o_mem_alloc_shared(req->pool, sizeof(FILE*), on_FILE_close); *fpptr = fopen("/etc/motd", "r"); // do things with file ``` Note that we also passed a callback `on_FILE_close` and it looks like this: ``` static void on_FILE_close(void *ptr) { FILE** fpptr = (FILE**) ptr; if(*fpptr) fclose(fpptr); } ``` When used like this, we can be sure that memory for our file pointer is cleaned up, AND that the file pointer will get closed when the request is done or otherwise disposed of. Such automated memory and resource management is vital when using asynchronous operations. # Config, context, accept context In this small sample, we've been passing around an H2O config, a context and an accept context. **NOTE**: This section is quite speculative ## Global configuration The global configuration actually is not global, as in, it is possible to run several completely independent h2o instances within a single binary. It is however also possible to have a single instance that serves on several listening sockets and also offers multiple servers in there, and these then share the 'global' configuration. The global configuration knows specifies things like HTTP/1 or HTTP/2 timeouts, if HTTP/1 connections should attempt an upgrade to HTTP/2, maximum size of POST data and many other settings. The defaults are good though. ## Accept context An accept context can be plaintext or a TLS context. One accept context can host multiple sockets, and sockets are registered to a context. Note that hosts that are registered exist within all contexts, and thus also on all sockets. ## Context The context owns the event loop, to which multiple sockets can report, that in turn can report to different accept contexts. It also keeps counters for HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 connections. # Generators As noted above, `h2o_send_inline` is a convenience function for sending data in response to an HTTP request. If we want to send a fixed blob of data we already have in memory this is fine, but if we for example want to send the large output of a SQL query, which arrives in separate rows, this is not the best interface. The 'long form' of sending data to a request is by setting a `generator`: ``` static h2o_generator_t generator = {proceedSending, stopSending}; h2o_start_response(req, &generator); h2o_iovec_t buf; // gather initial data from SQL query, store it in buf h2o_send(req, &buf, 1, H2O_SEND_STATE_IN_PROGRESS); ``` First we register two callbacks: `proceedSending` and `stopSending`. The last one is called when the HTTP session went away for any reason, and offers us the ability to close down the SQL session or perform any other cleanup. **Note**: As elsewhere, the `static` is not optional. When we pass a pointer to the generator, `libh2o` makes no copy for us. Without `static`, our generator would soon be pointing to dangling memory. There is a reason for this behaviour which is explained [below](#passingdata). We then gather some initial data and send that using `h2o_send`. In this syntax we can pass an array of `h2o_iovec_t` buffers, but here we pass just 1. The final parameter `H2O_SEND_STATE_IN_PROGRESS` means that at a later stage we might have more data to offer. Importantly, while `h2o_send` is working on the data, you must not touch or free the data you passed to be sent: `libh2o` made no copy for you. This in contrast to `h2o_send_inline` which as a convenience does so for you. Once `libh2o` has sent out the initial data, it will call our `proceedSending` callback to ask for more. That is also the moment we can free any memory we allocated for `h2o_send`. If in `proceedSending` we find that we've hit the end of the data we want to serve, we emit a final call to `h2o_send` with as final parameter `H2O_SEND_STATE_FINAL`. We are not guaranteed to get a call to `stopSending`, so any cleanup should be performed once we pass `H2O_SEND_STATE_FINAL`. # Serving files A special case is serving static files from disk. This can of course be implemented using `h2o_start_response`, but `h2o` has built-in primitives to make this happen: ``` h2o_pathconf_t* pathconf = h2o_config_register_path(hostconf, "/", 0); h2o_file_register(pathconf, "examples/doc_root", NULL, NULL, 0); ``` The third parameter of `h2o_file_register` specifies an array of files that could serve the index of that path. The fourth parameter is an optional map of MIME-types. The final parameter specifies flags. Flags available are: ``` H2O_FILE_FLAG_NO_ETAG = 0x1, H2O_FILE_FLAG_DIR_LISTING = 0x2, H2O_FILE_FLAG_SEND_COMPRESSED = 0x4, H2O_FILE_FLAG_GUNZIP = 0x8 ``` If it is known what files to serve exactly, `h2o_file_register_file` can be used. # Passing data to handlers and generators In general, passing data around in `libh2o` is somewhat cumbersome, but we hope, at least very efficient. The general technique is that when we set a `handler` or a `generator`, we send a pointer to something that starts with a `h2o_handler_t` or `h2o_generator_t` respectively. If we have no need to pass additional data, that is in fact all that will be stored at that pointer. But if we want to pass additional data, we do so by creating a larger struct, that **starts** with a `h2o_handler_t` (for a handler): ``` struct ParameterHandler { h2o_handler_t handler; int parameter; }; // .. set pathconf .. ParameterHandler *handler = (ParameterHandler*) h2o_create_handler(pathconf, sizeof (*handler)); handler->handler.on_req = ourHandler; handler->parameter = 42; ``` Within ourHandler we then do the reverse and cast the `h2o_handler_t` pointer back to a `ParameterHandler` pointer: ``` int ourHandler(h2o_handler_t* handler, h2o_req_t* req) { ParameterHandler* phandler = (ParameterHandler*)handler; // phandler->parameter will now be 42 ... } ``` ## To a generator When we need to pass data to a generator, we use a very similar technique, except without `h2o_create_handler`'s help: ``` struct State { h2o_generator_t super; int parameter; }; ... State* state = (State*)h2o_mem_alloc_shared(&req->pool, sizeof(State), on_dispose); state->super = {proceedSending, stopSending} state->parameter = 23; ... void proceedSending(h2o_generator_t *self, h2o_req_t *req) { State* state = (State*)self; // state->parameter is now 23 ... } ``` Note that we may need to pass an `on_dispose` callback if State had any buffers in need of freeing (which is very likely for a generator). # Logging ... # SSL / TLS `libh2o` uses OpenSSL or picotls for HTTPS and HTTPS/2. There is significant interaction between the TLS and HTTP components. When using OpenSSL, we first need to initialize that library: **Question**: Is picotls standalone? Or does it get its crypto operations from OpenSSL? ``` SSL_load_error_strings(); SSL_library_init(); OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); ``` In `libh2o`, TLS is specific for an accept context as described above. Here is how we hook op OpenSSL to the accept context: ``` accept_ctx.ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method()); accept_ctx.expect_proxy_line = 0; // makes valgrind happy ``` **Please note that the `accept_ctx` struct must be zeroed before use**. We can then continue to configure OpenSSL with options: ``` SSL_CTX_set_options(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2); SSL_CTX_set_ecdh_auto(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, 1); /* load certificate and private key */ if(SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, cert_file) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "an error occurred while trying to load server certificate file:%s\n", cert_file); return -1; } if(SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, key_file, SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "an error occurred while trying to load private key file:%s\n", key_file); return -1; } char ciphers[]="DEFAULT:!MD5:!DSS:!DES:!RC4:!RC2:!SEED:!IDEA:!NULL:!ADH:!EXP:!SRP:!PSK"; if(SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, ciphers) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ciphers could not be set: %s\n", ciphers); return -1; } ``` Finally, we can hook up HTTP/2 selection to ALPN, which allows a client to immediately select HTTP/2 through the TLS negotiation: ``` h2o_ssl_register_alpn_protocols(accept_ctx.ssl_ctx, h2o_http2_alpn_protocols); ``` Note: there also is support for another selection protocol called NPN, but it appears to no longer be used by clients. # HTTP/2 specific features **Question**: How much of the pushed data smarts are in libh2o? How many are in "h2o the server". Is this CASPER? # Event loops (libuv, native) **Question**: Is there any benefit to using libuv? When would you want to do that? ... # H2O as a client library To facilitate proxying, H2O also supports outgoing HTTP connections. As with the rest of `libh2o`, this is an industrial strength solution so it requires a bit of work to setup. `h2o_httpclient_connect` initiates a connection based on a parsed URL. This will also (asynchronously) resolve IP addresses for you. Once the connection in place, an `on_connect` callback is called. This has to perform various mechanics and then returns an `on_head` callback which is called when the headers have been received from the HTTP server. `on_head` can then look at the headers and in turn returns the `on_body` callback. This then gets called whenever a chunk of body is ready for processing, which can then be found on the `h2o_httpclient_t`* parameter. The `on_body` callback can tell `libh2o` it has consumed from the buffer by calling `h2o_buffer_consume`. Sample code can be found in [http1client.c](https://github.com/h2o/h2o/blob/master/examples/libh2o/http1client.c) from the `libh2o` examples directory, where you can see the (verbose) mechanics we skipped over in the preceeding description. # H2O multithreading ... # Notes on asynchronous operations Requests can be handled completely within a request handler when data is immediately available (in memory) to send to the client. Often this will not be the case. `libh2o` offers multiple ways to deal with slow data sources, or with large chunks of data we do no want to keep in memory for a long time. ## Stop and proceed As noted above, we can send an initial amount of data with `h2o_send` but note that this is not yet everything. The `proceed` callback of the generator will then be called once `h2o` needs more data from us to send to the client. This callback should then immediately supply that data. For many data sources this is fast enough - for example, when reading from a file. ## Asynchronous At other times however we may be serving data sourced from a database or another service reached over the network in which case blocking on our `proceed` callback is not feasible. The good news is that `libh2o` is completely asynchronous itself - it will not get confused if your handler does not immediately do anything with a request. This means that in the request handler, or in the `proceed` callback, you can send out a request for more data to your backend, and return control to the `libh2o` event loop. When you do so however, you must make sure that event loop picks up when you have new data available! If you are streaming data from another socket, this is as easy as adding that socket to the main event loop like this: ``` h2o_sock_t sock = h2o_evloop_socket_create(dsc->h2o_ctx.loop, oursock, H2O_SOCKET_FLAG_DONT_READ); // a pointer that tells you which request this belongs to sock->data = req; // this listens to responses from our socket to turn into http data h2o_socket_read_start(sock, on_oursock); ``` When the `on_oursock` callback gets called, we know it will be able to read data from `oursock` & pass it on to `h2o_send`, being careful to mark that as `H2O_SEND_STATE_IN_PROGRESS` unless we got an end-of-data indicator. **HOWEVER**: while waiting for data from the backend socket, the actual `libh2o` request may have disappeared! There may have been a network error, or the client disconnected, or a timeout happened. This will cause big problems in `on_oursock` which will then attempt to send data to a dead request. This is not a theoretical problem by the way, it will happen almost immediately under any kind of load. There are two ways of detecting that a socket is gone. The first one is to set the `stop` callback when calling `h2o_start_response`. This will get called if the request times out. From that callback, it is then possible to disconnect `oursock` from the event loop or to close it or to otherwise set a marker that the `on_oursock` callback does not touch the request. The downside of this method is that in the initial request handler, not everything may already be known to issue a response. For example, it is no longer possible to create a 4xx or 5xx error afterwards. And you may need to do that based on data you received from `oursock`. A second way of being informed of a request teardown is by associating some memory with it using `h2o_mem_alloc_shared` as shown above. If a request gets disposed, the callback associated with this memory gets called, and it too can then take measures to prevent `on_oursock` from touching the now deleted request. Some more context can be found on this [GitHub issue](https://github.com/h2o/h2o/issues/1894).