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<meta charset="utf-8" emacsmode="-*- markdown -*-"> A warm welcome to DNS

Note: this page is part of the 'hello-dns' documentation effort.

teaching DNS: C library

Based on tdns, a C++ project, a C API is also available.

This is meant as an easy gateway for C users. The tdns C-API is aimed to resolve simple queries, without having to import all the glory that is `getdns`. For any advanced work, including asynchronous queries, encryption and cryptography, please use getdns.


To start, initialize a TDNSContext object like this:

``` struct TDNSContext* tdns = TDNSMakeContext(""); if(!tdns) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize tdns\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ``` This will lift resolver addresses from the system default. To use a specific resolver, pass its address to TDNSMakeContext.

A context needs to be freed by calling freeTDNSContext.


Once a context is acquired, it can be used to perform queries:

``` struct TDNSIPAddresses* ips; err = TDNSLookupIPs(tdns, "", 1000, 1, 1, &ips); if(err) { fprintf(stderr, "Error looking up domain name: %s\n", TDNSErrorMessage(err)); return EXIT_FAILURE; } ```

This call specifies a timeout of 1000 milliseconds, and requests IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

An error is indicated by a non-zero return value, in which case the error is available through TDNSErrorMessage.

Actual IP addresses, IPv4 or IPv6, are returned as struct sockaddr_storage pointers in TDNSIpAddressess::addresses:

``` for(int n = 0; ips->addresses[n]; ++n) { struct sockaddr_storage* res = ips->addresses[n]; char ip[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; if(res->ss_family == AF_INET) inet_ntop(res->ss_family, &((struct sockaddr_in*)res)->sin_addr, ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); else inet_ntop(res->ss_family, &((struct sockaddr_in6*)res)->sin6_addr, ip, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); printf("IP address: %s\n", ip); } freeTDNSIPAddresses(ips); `` The sequence is terminated by a 0 pointer inaddressses. Note that the answer must also be freed withfreeTDNSIPAddresses`.

MX Records

Looking up MX records proceeds among similar lines:

``` struct TDNSMXs* mxs; err = TDNSLookupMXs(tdns, "", 1000, &mxs);


for(int n = 0; mxs->mxs[n]; ++n) { struct TDNSMX* res = mxs->mxs[n]; printf("MX %d %s\n", res->priority, res->name); } freeTDNSMXs(mxs); ```

TXT Records

And TXT records:

``` struct TDNSTXTs* txts; err = TDNSLookupTXTs(tdns, "nl", 1000, &txts);


for(int n = 0; txts->txts[n]; ++n) { struct TDNSTXT* res = txts->txts[n]; printf("TXT %s\n", res->content); } freeTDNSTXTs(txts); ```

Full code

The full code of these examples can be found on GitHub.

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